In a competitive job market, companies have realized that their image can impact their recruitment efforts. Institutional arguments such as work ethics, environmental respect, salary policies, etc., are no longer enough to convince increasingly demanding candidates. These candidates seek to know the reality of the job by soliciting the privileged ambassadors of companies, their employees, who are in the best position to judge the adequacy between what is announced and what is applied.
Companies, on their part, particularly focus on on-boarding candidates (welcoming, integration, training). This step allows candidates to become operational as quickly as possible, under the best conditions, and to reflect a positive image of the group and the company.
However, companies may tend to overlook an equally important part: the off-boarding of employees.
Why is it important to take care of an employee's departure?
Off-boarding is a process that concerns the departure of an employee. It is just as important as on-boarding. It marks the end of a stage and freezes the image that the employee has formed during their time in the company. This image is what will make them become an ambassador for the employer brand or not.
But that’s not all. Ensuring a good employer-employee relationship from start to finish also allows for capitalization on the efforts made from the employee’s integration, as well as increasing the chances of them returning (the boomerang effect) with new skills and ideas, or recommending the company.
In addition to humanizing the departure process, establishing an off-boarding process allows the employer to ensure the continuity of their activities, and thus limit the effects of a departure on the business. This process allows them to:
- Prepare teams for the departure of the employee
- Evaluate common and individual accomplishments (final interview, report on achievements, successes, and failures)
- Show support for the employee (recommendation letter, references)
- Anticipate recruitment needs (replacement, internal promotion, reorganization)
- Optimize handover (instructions, status of ongoing cases)
- Streamline departure management (IT, professional equipment, administrative tasks)
- Allow the team to come together one last time
All of these steps may seem obvious, yet the practice tends to indicate a last-minute departure management without any transition for the employee, often organized by colleagues in their proximity (farewell party), which can lead to the perception of a lack of commitment from the company.
Therefore, off-boarding must have its place in each employee’s career process, and must be part of proactive management.