For many years now, the situation has been the same: the pool of IT specialists in Switzerland is limited, or even in short supply, compared to the growing demand from companies.
Statistics estimate that there are between 20 and 25% of vacant positions and the trend is not going to improve, not to mention the number of active workers, which will decrease.
Faced with this reality, what can we do? Think about the art of compromise….
You have defined the profile you are looking for: skills profile and relational profile…
- Are you a small company or an international client? the attractiveness of the employer brand is not the same and neither are the benefits offered.
- Are you looking for a junior or a senior? In some professions, you will find it easier to find one or the other.
- Are you looking for a senior but the salary you are offering is not suitable?
- Is there a real shortage of this type of profile because the technology is obsolete or very recent or not widely used in the region?
- Is your company located in an unattractive location or far from public transport?
2. Be open and curious
- The number of years of experience of the candidate is low -> look at their potential for development, the training you can offer them.
- The sector of activity in which they have worked is different from yours? -> Can he/she give you a new perspective?
- He/she is older than the age range defined at the outset -> he/she will be a long-term employee and will have some distance to go. Benefit from their experience…
3. Focus on soft skills
In 2016, the World Economic Forum identified the soft skills that will be in demand in 2020: in the TOP 3, we have :
- Complex problem solving
- Critical thinking
- Creativity
• And 2 brand new ones…cognitive flexibility and emotional intelligence
The behavioural assessment of the candidate is essential to anticipate his integration, his development and his performance within your organisation. How do you define the soft skills that YOU are looking for?
They are the conjunction of your company’s culture, values, organisation and internal and external interactions, in correlation with the expectations of the current team leader and the people who make up the team. Finally, they are intrinsically linked to the job and the position concerned.
- An innovative or challenging project,
- Continuous training or the encouragement to take certifications,
- An attractive salary,
- A geographical location close to public transport for example,
- A company culture or mission, agility, social dimension, which particularly attract millennials,
- Flexible working hours, home office, increasingly sought after.