Don’t be caught off guard at your job interview and prepare yourself by looking at the questions that await you. The recruiter will be able to tell if you have prepared yourself and this will demonstrate your motivation and professionalism. While you should be concise and consistent, you will be asked three main types of questions that you should be familiar with: experience, technical and behavioural questions.
- What do you know about our company and our products or services?
- Do you know our competitors?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- Why should we recruit you for this position?
- Can you tell me a bit more about yourself?
- Why did you choose these studies?
- How does your training prepare you for this position?
- What were your responsibilities in your last job?
- What do you like most and least about your last job?
- How would you describe your working style?
- Explain to me your periods of unemployment?
- What kind of working environment are you looking for?
- What are your objectives for the next 5 years?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses? … and yes, it is still often asked
- What is your greatest quality?
- What has been your greatest achievement?
- Tell us about your biggest failure
- How did you manage?
- What does your last boss say about you? What might your colleagues/team say about you?
- Are you willing to travel as part of your job?
- Are you ready to move?
- What are your hobbies and interests outside work?
- Why do you want to leave your employer?
- What questions do you have about our society?
- What are your salary expectations? How do you justify them?